Baronial Awards

Award Name Award Badge Award Description
Order of the Swan and Cygnet Founded by Ann Etheridge of Somerset
This Order recognizes those who provide service to the Barony. It can be awarded for public service; such as holding offices within the Barony, or for behind-the-scenes services: such as event and demo support. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Order of the Orca Founded by Tnek the Ainissestor and Tannis of Tir-y-Don
This Order recognizes those who excel in heavy combat activities within the Barony. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Order of the Sable Skate Coming Soon! Founded by Oriana of Xylina
This Order recognizes those who excel in Target and/or Combat Archery within the Barony. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Order of the Golden Phoenix Coming Soon! Founded by Otto Botticher von Spreebrucke and Sarah Lynnette of Carlisle
This Order was established to recognize those good gentles that, through years of service to the Barony, have greatly enriched the group and its members. They have demonstrated skills in many diverse areas and are always in the forefront when it comes time to teach and support others. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Order of the Whelk Founded by Tnek the Ainissestor and Tannis of Tir-y-Don
This Order recognizes those who excel in the creation and teaching of Arts and Sciences within the Barony. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Order of the Winged Sea Monkey Coming Soon! Founded by Oriana of Xylina
This Order recognizes those who excel in Rapier Combat within the Barony. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Baron’s Award of Excellence Coming Soon! Founded by Oriana of Xylina
This Award is given by the Baron to recognize excellence. This award can be given to an individual once per Baron. The token given is a medallion bearing the initial of the Baron. The Baroness may give this award if there is no Baron. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Baroness’ Order of Courtesy Coming Soon! Founded by Oriana of Xylina
This Award is given by the Baroness to recognize those who exemplify courtesy. The token given is a medallion bearing the initial of the Baroness. The Baron may give this award if there is no Baroness. Click here for the roster of recipients.
Order of the Minnow Coming Soon! Founded by
This order recognizes the children of the barony for their service. Click here for the roster of recipients.